8 things to do after a car accident: 7. Request Non Emergency Medical Attention

non emergency medical attention

Car accidents are an unfortunate reality of life, and the moments following such incidents can be overwhelming. Non-emergency medical attention is one vital aspect that should not be overlooked. Here, we present insights from the Devkota Law Firm to help you navigate these challenging circumstances. Our Tri-fold Brochure: 8 Things to Do After a Car […]

8 things to do after a car accident: 6. Call the Devkota Law Firm

call the devkota law firm

The moments following a car accident can be disorienting, confusing, and stressful. When you find yourself in such an unforeseen situation, remember to call the Devkota Law Firm. We are here to ensure that you make informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls during the stressful aftermath. Our Tri-fold Brochure: 8 Things to Do After a […]

8 things to do after a car accident: 5. Save the Evidence

save the evidence

Car accidents are unforeseen events that happen more frequently than we’d like to admit. With the chaos that often follows, it’s easy to overlook critical details that can greatly affect the outcome of an insurance claim or even a court case. That’s why it’s crucial to save the evidence – a practice that ensures every […]

8 things to do after a car accident: 4. Make a Police Report

police report

Navigating through the aftermath of a car accident can be challenging and overwhelming. One crucial step in this process is making a police report. Today, we bring you insights from Tarak Devkota, an experienced attorney from the Devkota Law Firm, who elaborates on the importance of this critical step. Our Tri-fold Brochure: 8 Things to […]

8 things to do after a car accident: 3. Assess the Damages

assess the damages

At Devkota Law, we have continually advocated for individuals who found themselves in the vulnerable aftermath of motor vehicle accidents. In this blog, we’ll discuss the third point in our “8 Things to Do After a Car Accident” guide, which is to assess the damages. This act can be pivotal in managing these unsettling situations […]

8 things to do after a car accident: 2. Call 911

call 911

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be chaotic, but the simple act of knowing to call 911 can make a significant difference. This guide offers insights into handling such situations effectively and sensibly, ensuring the safety and legal protection of all involved. Our Tri-fold Brochure: 8 Things to Do After a Car Accident […]